They Don’t Teach This in School: The Scottish Colonization of Ulster

They Don’t Teach This in School: The Scottish Colonization of Ulster

In this Video Brian explores the complex history of the Scottish Plantations in Ulster, Ireland, he delves into the motivations of King James VI and I, the impact of land confiscation from native Gaelic chiefs, and the cultural shifts brought on by the influx of Scottish and English settlers. Discover how this monumental event laid the groundwork for centuries of sectarian conflict, shaping the identities of both Irish Catholics and British Protestants. Join us as we unravel the intricacies of this pivotal chapter in Irish history, highlighting its lasting legacy.

As a genealogist, Brian focuses on the people, places, and events that make up people’s family stories.

Brian is a genealogist who started working on his own family tree over 30 years ago and has been able to trace one family line back to as early as 950 AD.

Brian traces his own family from Scotland and Ireland to the New World where they wound up in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia in the 18th and 19th centuries. In some cases, they fled their homelands due to the Highland Clearances in Scotland or the Potato Blight in Ireland. They took their Expertise as Coal Miners from Scotland to Cape Breton or their Mercantile and Manufacturing Skills from Ireland to the streets of Halifax

Brian has been a member of the Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia, the Scottish Genealogical Society, and the Prince Edward Island Genealogical Society.

Brian currently resides in Prince Edward Island, Canada, with his family.
Credit to : How We Got Here Genealogy

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